The Unwritten Girl is the story of Rosemary’s quest to rescue her brother Theo who has been trapped in The Land of Fiction by a book he is unable to stop reading. Assisted by her new friend Peter and the mischievous Puck, most recently read in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Rosemary must overcome her fear and desire to be invisible if she has any hope of success.
First and foremost, The Unwritten Girl is a story about books. James Bow says in his blog that "The Land of Fiction is a compilation of a number of stories I read when I was younger (or had read to me) that had a lasting effect on me." He goes on to state that he loves children's literature for "the clarity of the storytelling, the innocence, the wonder and the sense of transformation."
Bow has taken the standard quest formula and turned it on its head or as he describes it: "The Unwritten Girl is a sorta fairytale. We take very unfairytale characters through a fairytale setting, taking the mickey out of a number of cliches, while at the same time celebrating the genre." His love of this literature is evident in the style and content of his writing as he riffs a bit on the standard characters of fairy tale fare: the damsel in distress complete with attitude; the Fearmonger - specific to no book but present in all; and the Mystery Man whose Magical Mystery Train holds many familiar tales, including a nod to Murder on the Orient Express.
For adult readers, Bow takes us on a delightful, nostalgic trip with The Unwritten Girl; however, what is more important is how young adults will respond to this book. Despite its fantasy/fairy tale setting, The Unwritten Girl addresses some fairly serious issues; mental illness, being an outsider, the death of parents and bullying. In many ways, this is a fairly dark book and Bow deftly handles these significant topics without resorting to clichés or becoming preachy.
Given that Bow has short excerpts of what appear to be "future" adventures of Rosemary and Peter on his blog, I am hopefully that we'll soon see more books featuring these engaging characters. I read this through in one sitting and my autographed copy is going into my permanent collection.
ISBN10: 1550026046
ISBN13: 9781550026947
Publisher: Boardwalk Young Adult Fiction, A Member of the Dundurn Group
Publication Date: April 1, 2006
Binding: Paperback
Book Website: unwrittengirl.ca
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tags: books book reviews Unwritten Girl James Bow young adult fiction
Janelle, I'm going to miss your reviews! Hope I can access your blog every now and again while I'm on vacation. Putting this on my list - both my daughters should enjoy this one.
Have a great trip! And yes, your daughters should enjoy this one. The author is from Waterloo so we might be able to arrange for autographed copies for your girls.
That would be super, Janelle, thank you!
I just love your reviews. This book though is a must for my wishlist. I can understand being not seen and trying to fight to have my own voice. To save you numerous comments. I also love to get to read Queen of the Underworld, The Brooklyn Follies, House of many God too :)
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