Wednesday, October 17, 2007

BOOK REVIEW: Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair by Laurie Perry

Laurie Perry, now best known in knitting circles as “Crazy Aunt Purl,” did not set out to become a blogging superstar. The introverted Southerner transplanted with her husband to L.A. and was stunned when said husband coolly informed her that he was leaving “to get his creativity back.” Left alone with four cats and a penchant for wine as comfort food, Perry quickly finds herself “three minutes from crazy” and grudgingly agrees to join a friend at a knitting class. There she discovers a new best friend - knitting can always be fixed, it helps you keep busy and find your own creativity, and it’s not about to leave you.

As Perry slowly sticks her head out into the world, she finds solace with her new knitting friends and begins to blog about her adventures with a distinctive self-deprecating humour. She quickly gained a loyal following who shared her joys, sorrows, dating mishaps and knitting adventures. Her stories are ones which everyone can relate to and readers love her trademark writing style – her voice just leaps off the computer screen and she immediately feels like a long-lost best friend (as evidenced by the seventeen-hundred condolence messages left on her blog after the death of her beloved cat Roy).

Crazy Aunt Purl’s Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair: the true-life misadventures of a 30-something who learned to knit after he split is much more than simply a self-help book on life after divorce or about learning to knit. Perry has penned a book about heartache and self-discovery and each reader will find something here to which they can relate. Readers will laugh, cry and moan along with Perry as she conquers her wine and cheetos problem, heads out on her first post-divorce date and discovers that life does go on after “he splits.”

Read the review at Armchair Interviews.

ISBN10: 0757305911
ISBN13: 9780757305917

Trade Paperback
284 Pages
Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.
Publication Date: October 15, 2007
Author Website:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Janelle,

Thank you for this review and also the one for Casts Off. I work for the Canadian Distributor of both titles, Thomas Allen & Son. Would you like to receive our catalogues?

Kind Regards,
Laura Palumbo