Monday, March 06, 2006

Yet another WTH link...

Harry Potter turns kids into Satanists? Huh....

What's with the Vatican?


Chris said...

I'm shaking my head...

Carrie K said...

I didnt' read the article, but that's exactly what my cousin's husband told me when I asked why - why? he wouldn't let his kids read Harry Potter books.

Insane. If there faith is shaken to the core by FICTION, what good is it?

I followed you from Chris's blog, seduced by your bookcase picture.

Heather said...

Catholic Insider has an excellent podcast discussing the issue - it's a rebroadcast of a Vatican Radio show that talks to a Vatican expert on new age and culture. The show - and the expert - go on to talk about the books being quite positive and worthwhile. And yes, the expert has read the books.

It's really an excellent show and quite balanced. The news stories about the Vatican condemning the book just aren't accurate.

Catholic Insider is a podcast series by a priest, and he loves the books. He's got a podcast series discussing the mythology and themes of the stories.

Lotus Reads said...

I asked my daughter who used to be a potterphile what she thought of the Harry Potter stories and if she at any time wished she too could perform spells like Harry and his friends. She looked at me exasperatedly and said, "Mom, Harry Potter and everything he or anyone in that book does is just make-believe. We kids know that!" :)))

Janelle Martin said...

Thanks Heather! I'm going to go have a listen to that podcast, it sounds fascinating.