Saturday, April 22, 2006

BookCrossing Convention Update

I can't believe the number of books! Table after table of books people brought to share with other BookCrossing. I think there were four 8 foot tables chock full of books. I managed to restrain myself and only came out with about 15 but who knows how good my restraint will be today...*whistle*.

I had a lot of fun "meeting" so many BookCrossers and BookRelay in person! Shouts out to all my book's to lots of fun today and tomorrow.


Lotus Reads said...

Makes me wish I had given you my wishlist, Janelle! :)

Glad you are all having a good time; do tell all the other bookcrossers "Hi". I am not that active on bookcrossing anymore, but I daresay some of them will remember me!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Tell everyone hi for me and help yourself to the books, will ya? I mean, SOMEONE needs to cart them home, right? May as well be someone who doesn't have to pay an arm and a leg to Canada Post.

Janelle Martin said...

Oh I have picked up a lot of books. About 25 or 30 of them yesterday and another 5 today. Plus all the books other BookCrossers brought for me. Just filling up my trunk!