Monday, January 16, 2006

What a week!

I didn't blog much last week because there was just too much going on to put into words.

First, Nicholas Basbanes contacted to thank them for my review! It's the first time an author has commented on what I had to say about their book and it completely threw me for a loop. How do you respond when someone you respect so much and whose intelligence you admire writes and compliments you?

Then, I had a long job interview on Friday for a position I really want. I believe it went well so now the waiting begins.

And last but not least, some dear friends sent me a surprise gift certificate for a bookstore as a thank you. Does it get any better than that? So I was able to get a copy of Middlesex to read for the Book Relayer's Virtual Book Club. Now to read it!

I'm putting the final touches on my review of Secrets of a Satisfying Life and will post it here later today or tomorrow. Then I need to finish reading The Weather Makers by Tim Flannery before the next book to review arrives.

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